
Hold Me TightAmerica x Reader

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IamNotaWriter's avatar

Literature Text

Hold Me Tight
America x Reader

The sound of your alarm was the last squawking decibel you wanted to hear that morning.  Jamming your clenched fist on the terrible device, you sat up and rubbed your eyes, then took in the view of your messy, dark room.  Sighing, you uncovered yourself and hopped out of bed, only to feel a most immense pain within your pelvic area.  It was a most horrible pain indeed; suddenly, the horror struck and you turned around to find the equivalent of the Japanese flag on your fresh and new, white bed sheets.  

You grumbled to yourself as you wadded your bed sheets up and threw them in the wash.  What a pissy day indeed to be a female.  Nonetheless, you still had a long day at work ahead of you, so you took a quick shower, dabbed on a little makeup, threw on a pair of jeans and cute blouse, and pulled your hair into a messy bun.  (That was the closest to “business casual” you were feeling today and not anyone could change that thought)

As you sat quietly at the table, your boyfriend, Alfred walked in with his usual goofy smile.  He kissed your temple and whispered, “Hey babe, I hope you know that my new pajama bottoms are ruined..”

“Fuck you Al!” you hollered, “Just leave me the fuck alone ass hole.”  Alfred only laughed, which in return, pissed you off even more, so you pushed him muttering a few more incoherent curses and walked out of the kitchen.

Finally, you grabbed your keys and headed for your car; since it was raining, you made a run for it and once inside, you dug your key into the ignition and...


Trying again, you still heard nothing.  

“For the love of God!” you screamed, pounding your steering wheel.  

Guess you were going to have to walk...


“You’re late..again.” Mr. Kirkland grumbled as you walked in...trenched.  You gave him a deathly glare and he simply huffed, handing you a gigantic stack of papers for you to file.  

“I need these filed within the next hour or there will be punishment.” he ordered as he turned on his heel and waltzed away.  You growled and viciously grabbed the first paper on the stack.  What a pissy day indeed to be a female.  

Barely filing the last paper on time, your boss entered your cubicle and arched one of his thick eyebrows, his emerald eyes boring through yours.  You just wanted to sock him in the teeth as he glared at you.  

“I hope you know that your clock is five minutes slow.  You’re late.  Again.” he exited your cubicle just as you were about to give him a piece of your mind, but then came back with an even larger stack of papers and said, “File these in alphabetical order, then I need you to run a few errands for me, my apologies Ms. (Last Name), but it seems you’ll have to work overtime.  Again.” and with that, he handed you a list of errands and walked off.  

That was it, you were going to blow up any second; you stood up, clenched fists and hatred burning in your eyes.  You marched out of your cubicle and hurtled down the hallway, dodging each person coming towards you, but to your dismay, your loony coworker Gilbert was just around the corner and you ran straight into him.  He successfully spilled a boiling, hot cup of coffee down your shirt and you screamed bloody murder.

The only thing he did was stare and then laugh.  They all laughed.  Everyone-even Mr. Kirkland chuckled at your immense pain.  

Finally, you stood up and shouted so loud that all levels of the 17-story building could hear.


You knocked Gilbert out with one blow, gave Mr. Kirkland the most menacing glare (to which he flinched in your favor) and stomped out of the building, not caring at all that it was still pouring outside.  


You burst through the front door, cheeks and eyes stained red from crying and ran straight into your bedroom, being sure to lock the door.  

After about a minute of sobbing into your pillow, you heard a soft knock at the door and the sound of something being slipped into your room from underneath.  You wiped your eyes and saw a small, pink sheet of paper that had that familiar chicken scratch on it.

It read, “Please come out.  I made brownies? :) “  You sighed and opened the door to find Alfred holding a plate of hot, freshly made brownies.  You grabbed one and nibbled at it saying, “Don’t think that your confectionery treats will change my mind...ass hole.”

Alfred only chuckled and set the plate down on a nearby table, he then caught you by surprise and swooped you into his strong arms, carrying you to your living room couch.  Finally he sat down with you in his lap and snuggled you close.

You didn’t even care anymore and let it all out.  All the frustration, all the anger, all the sadness; all of it was ending up on his brand new shirt, one salty tear after another.  All he did was rub your back gingerly and whisper sweet nothings as you continued to cry and cry and cry.  

After a few minutes, you finally calmed down into a small fit of hiccups and sniffles.  Alfred then pulled you away; enough for you to gaze into his magnificent, cerulean orbs and he asked, “Feel better?” you nodded and hiccuped again and he gave you one of his sweet-as-molasses smiles and a small yet gentle kiss on your quivering lips.  

It seems that he always has a way to make all of your problems disappear.  
Yay! My first of many Reader-Inserts~

I do not own Alfred Jones (Himaruya)
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BookWorm2229's avatar
Good thing my bed sheets are red...